Helias Catholic to break ground on campus expansion June 5
Helias Catholic High School will officially break ground on its Spirit of Excellence campus expansion project during a ceremony at 10:45 a.m. Wednesday, June 5.
The Spirit of Excellence project is a transformative initiative to complete Helias Catholic’s campus master plan, constructing a new performing arts center and on-campus baseball and softball complex, as well as expanding the existing Rackers Fieldhouse.
All members of the Crusader family and community are welcome to celebrate this exciting development in the heart of Jefferson City at the groundbreaking ceremony, which will take place on the southeast side of the Helias Catholic campus. The area will be accessible through the breezeway entrance from the front parking lot on Swifts Highway as well as from from the Carter Street parking lots.
The new performing arts center will house an auditorium that seats up to 1,000 with academic and performance spaces for Helias Catholic’s instrumental and vocal music, dance, and theater programs. The baseball and softball complex, to be constructed southeast of the school building, will bring student-athletes in two major athletic programs home with the capacity to host up to 1,000 spectators. Added space in the existing James L. Rackers Fieldhouse will allow for needed updates to athletic and conditioning facilities.
Completing this final phase of Helias Catholic’s campus master plan is a roughly $30 million investment in the future of Helias Catholic and our community. Combined with funds already pledged toward the project and up to $7 million in committed support from The Foundation for the Benefit of Helias Catholic High School, the Spirit of Excellence campaign seeks to raise at least $7 million to make this plan a reality for future generations of Crusaders.
For more information and to support the Spirit of Excellence campaign, please click here to visit the campaign page or contact Helias Catholic President Ron Vossen.