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Parent Involvement


Parent Involvement

Parents are an important part of the Crusader family! Helias Catholic’s mission is to partner with parents in their children’s education and spiritual development. We encourage parents to be involved with their students’ school activities and to participate actively in our school community.


Parents’ Club

The Parents’ Club is an organization comprised of all parents and guardians of Helias Catholic High School students. The primary purpose of the Parents’ Club is to support Helias Catholic by raising money for the school’s general operating fund.

The Parents’ Club raises funds through organizing and working activities such as concession stand sales at athletic and other events on the Helias Catholic campus, the annual poinsettia sale, uniform exchange, and formal resale.

Every parent is asked to work at least one event per student in the family on behalf of the Parents’ Club each school year.

Click here to access the Helias Catholic Parents’ Club page to volunteer for concessions shifts.

Parents’ Club Officers

  • Kristin Boyer – Parents' Club President – 573-680-2042
  • Gretchen Crane – Concessions Sign-Up Coordinator – 573-690-4878

Athletic Booster Club

The Helias Catholic Athletic Booster Club provides support and assistance to the Helias Catholic High School Athletic Department through fundraising and distribution of money, equipment and/or other materials to Helias Catholic athletic teams.

Click here to join the Athletic Booster Club.

For more information, contact Steve Weaver at 573-257-0354.

Athletic Booster Club Officers:

  • President Steve Weaver
  • Vice President TJ Ralston
  • Treasurer Kevin Heislen
  • Secretary Gina Clement
  • Moderator Ron Eickmeyer