The Spirit of Excellence campaign is a transformative initiative to complete our campus, investing in the future of our school, our community, and future generations of Crusaders.
Our first on-campus performing arts center will feature a 1,000-seat auditorium and academic space for music, theater and dance.
The baseball/softball complex will bring home games and practices for student-athletes in two major athletic programs.
An addition to Rackers Fieldhouse will update strength and conditioning, locker and wrestling facilities and add storm shelter space.
Helias Catholic High School is embarking on a project to complete our campus master plan, bringing all school facilities onto one central campus and strengthening our school’s ability to continue providing an excellent Catholic education that inspires students’ development in mind, body, and spirit for future generations of Crusaders.
The Spirit of Excellence campaign will construct a new performing arts center and on-site baseball and softball complex on the Helias Catholic campus, as well as additional space in Rackers Fieldhouse.
The performing arts center will include an auditorium with seating for up to 1,000, suitable for large school events and available for community use, including by Helias Catholic’s local Catholic parish partner schools. The performing arts center will include academic and performance spaces for instrumental and vocal music, theater, and dance, with a visitor lobby overlooking the baseball and softball complex.
The baseball and softball complex will offer facilities including a press box, concessions and restrooms. After the Crusader Athletic Complex brought home Helias Catholic’s football, soccer, tennis, and track and field programs, this new facility will bring home the Crusader baseball and softball programs and eliminate the need for student-athletes to travel across town for practices and home games. Expanding Rackers Fieldhouse will update athletic locker and wrestling rooms as well as strength and conditioning facilities, benefiting all of Helias Catholic’s student-athletes.
We plan to break ground on the project in 2024, with the fieldhouse addition to be completed in 2025 and performing arts center and baseball and softball complex in 2026. Completing this final phase of our campus master plan is a roughly $30 million investment in the future of Helias Catholic and our community. Combined with contributions from the 2015 Rooted in Faith, Building on Excellence campaign and additional funds pledged toward the project, the Spirit of Excellence campaign seeks to raise a total of $14 million between new donations and generous committed support from The Foundation for the Benefit of Helias Catholic High School up to $7 million.
Every gift, no matter the size, helps complete our campus master plan and ensure that the Helias Catholic Spirit of Excellence will live on for current and future generations of Crusaders.
Your continued support pledged over a planned period of giving helps sustain our work as we complete the goals outlined in the Spirit of Excellence project.
Stay up to date on the progress of our fundraising efforts and campus development on our website, by following official school social media accounts, and by signing up to receive email updates.
Every gift moves the Spirit of Excellence campaign closer to our goal of completing the Helias Catholic High School campus for future generations of Crusaders.
To make an online donation today, please click Give Now below.
For information about multi-year pledge gifts and donor recognition, click on the images included here to enlarge. Please click on this link if you would like to request that a pledge card be mailed to you.
Paul Dulle & Lisa Butzer-Dulle in memory of Harold G. Butzer
Jim & Elizabeth Huber
Joe & Brenda Scheppers
John & Michelle Agniel-Stephens
Larry & Cathy Kolb
Randy Barnes
Tim & Jane (Goedde) Bennett
Greg Delong
Tony & Jean Feather
Fechtel Beverage
Helias Catholic Class of 1964
Jefferson Bank
Jefferson City Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
Legends Bank
Midland Transport
Dick & Dedie Otke
Rackers Equipment Co. (Gary & Carol Rackers)
Donnell & Shelly Rehagen
Bob & Sally Robuck
Jake & Amanda Rodemann
Stuckenschneider Family
Don & Jean Vanderfeltz
Gary & Dana Wilbers
Randy & Susan Arnold
Steve & Joyce Bremer
Mike & Sara Burbank
Matt & Gina Clement
Hawthorn Bank
Helias Catholic Athletic Boosters
John & Patty Kehoe
John & Peggy Kolb
Bill & Judy Landwehr
Peter & Vickie Lyskowski
Meyer Electric (Leon & Marilyn Keller)
Jeremy & Beth Morris
Osage Industries
Dr. Bryan & Sharon Pope
Sandbothe Plumbing (Josh & Cara Sandbothe)
Scruggs Lumber Company
Matt & Teresa Tolksdorf
Rudy & Jerilyn Veit
Jim & Barb Vossen
Ken Wegman
Mike & Mary Winter
Jim & Susie Wisch
Brian & Julie Zerr
Advantage Lawn Care
Jay & Jane Barnes
Bruce & Ann Bax
Jeff & Meredith Boessen
Tory & Hilary Brondel
Mel & Becky Bruemmer
Nikki Butzer-Sims
Chad & Sarah Carden
Tom & DeDe Caspari
Communique Inc.
Andy & Joyce Distler
Pat & Marsha Dubbert & Families
Dave & Sara Echelmeyer
Leon & Hilda Eichholz
Fr. Helias Knights Of Columbus 1054
Jackson & Michelle Hataway
Craig & Susan Husting
Douglas Kolb
Tommy & Brenda Kolb
Louis & Laura Landwehr
Clyde & Sue Lear
Bill & Verna Luebbert
Maple Bluff Farms
Ski & Sherry Mariea
Chandra & Barb Prasad
Ed & Mary Rackers
Mark & Jill Rademan
Greg Reed
Don & Jane Rhea
Kevin & Julie Riley
John & Joan Rodemann
Jon & Anne Rost
Ken & Shelle Sandbothe
Lawrence Schanzmeyer
Larry & Judy Schepers
Gene & Judy Schneider
Jay & Jennifer Schnieders
John & Barb Sheehan
Kyle & Kelly Shimmens
Jim & Martha Skain
Tom & Becky Stokes
Trimble Funeral Homes
Ron & Carol Vossen
Corey Bax Memorial
Harold G. Butzer Memorial
Julie Buschjost Memorial
Sharon Dashtaki Memorial
In Memory of Bill Heckman, Class of 1964 (John & Joan Rodemann)
Don Kruse Memorial
Butch Loethen Memorial
Thomas H. Rost Memorial
Larry Schepker Memorial
Tom Schnieders Memorial
In Honor of James A. & Ann Marguerite Williams Jr. (Dr. Bruce & Clare Williams-DuMontier)
In Memory of Amy Wolters, Class of 1989 (Ken & Alice Wolters)
Rich & Kathy Anderson
The Architects Alliance Inc.
Doug & Kimie Bax
Sam Berendzen
Joe & Judy Birk
Kathleen Bish
Destiny Blume
Tony & Elisa Brenneke
Mark & Nancy Buersmeyer
Delong’s Inc.
Jon & Jeni Doolittle & Family
Charles Dudenhoeffer Jr.
Ron & Jane Dunn
Judy Eggen
Tom & Phyllis Emmel
Brendan Emmel
Timothy & Cindy Flach
Frank Schrimpf Plumbing
Gredell Engineering Resources
Tim & Georgie Hagenhoff
Nathan & Lori Haug
Chris & Jennifer Hentges
Chris & Sandy Hentges
James & Julie Hentges
Ray & Marilyn Hentges
Cliff & Patti Holzem
Dane Hughes
Denny & Carole Hughes
Dr. Joseph Kayser
David & Linda Kiesling
Thomas & Shelley Klebba
Chuck & Theresa Kramer
John Louis “Jack” Kramer
Sam Lecure
Brad & Angela Letterman
Dale & Rhonda Ludwig
Jason & Jill Luebbering
Peter Martin
Robbie McCurren IV
McCurren Family
Annette McDonald
Jack & Jane Meldrem
Trevor & Karen Monnig
Matt & Darlene Muessig
Bill & Jeanette Muller
Pat & Allen Pollock
Dr. Bryan & Sharon Pope
Luke & Molly Prenger
Charles Rackers
John Rackers
Mark & Ann Rackers
RJ Scherr & Associates
Matt & Vanessa Robe
Bob Sr. & Bonnie Robison Family
John & Karen Sander
Chris & Kelly Schneider
Dale Schenewerk
Kevin & Karen Schnieders
Scott & Tina Sellner
Septagon Construction
Brad & Alicia Shimmens
John & Elaine Shimmens
Tom & Rhonda Shimmens
Mike & Debbie Snyder
Abigail Steck
Jane Szabados
Wheat Chiropractic
Williams-Keepers LLC
Michael & Deborah Wilson
Tricia Workman
Joann Wulff
Chris & Debbie Yarnell
Accord Mortgage
Glen & Sue Adrian
Spencer & Christy Allen
Jean & Larry Armstrong
David & Kay Asel
Rick Baer
Dr. Conrad & Karen Balcer
Bob & Joy Bax
Stephen Becker
Brian & Tina Bernskoetter
Charlie & Millie Bernskoetter
Mike & Jeannette Bernskoetter
Drew & Melinda Biddle
Noel Bisges
Bob & Carole Boeckman
Joseph Boessen
Jon & Maura Browning
Mel Bruemmer
Vic & Cheryl Buechter
Jason & Wendy Buschjost
Larry & Pat Buschjost
Mark & Jackie Buschjost
Ceil Callahan
Jerry & Erin Callahan
Tom & DeDe Caspari
Ray & Deanne Caspari
Jeff & Julia Cassmeyer
Steve & Beverly Cearlock
Dwayne & Julie Clingman
Matt & Christian Crader
Brian & Stephanie Crane
James & Mary Dallas
Bill Deeken & Mary Williams
Dr. Carl & Cindy Doerhoff
Patrick Dudenhoeffer
Roger & Jane Dudenhoeffer
Steve Dulle
Doug & Jayna Eichholz
Tony Esterly
Thomas & Linda Fennessey
Kelly & Sarah Fick
Martha Fifer
Mike & Kara Flanagan
Joe & Jo Forck
Chris & Jennie Foucheaux
Fr. Richard Frank
Dale & Kathy Gerstner
Ron & Lynn Gerstner
Denis & Wendy Gladbach
John & Susan Goedde
Mike & Denise Grefrath
Kevin & Jan Heislen
George Heisler
Helias Catholic Archery
Helias Catholic Class of 2024
Marcus & Emily Henley
Jay & Monica Higgins
Hitachi Energy
Michael & Jennifer Hudson
Royce & Judy Hudson
Robert & Diane Hummel
Jonathan & Rebecca Imhoff
Dean & Amy Iven
Jefferson City Sympony Orchestra
Jerome & Alice Kampeter
Carolyn Karst
James & Kathy Keeven
James & Patti Keller
Ralph & Mary Kemna
John & Carolyn Klebba
James Kliethermes
Mike Knowles
Kevin & Debbie Kolb
Becky Kolb-Kennedy
John & Chris Krautman
Lee & Marge Kundra
Ken & Marlene Kuster
Craig & Karla Lammers
Carl & Carolyn Landwehr
Eric & Stacy Landwehr
Tom & Dolores Lauf
Chris Leuckel
Bret & Dru Lindsey
Craig & Ann Linhardt
Anne Lock
Kurt & Kim Luebbering
Bill & Diane Lueckenhoff
John & Terry Lyskowski
Ronald Markway
John & Christie Martin
Jeff Martin
Leora May
Collin & Erin Mayhan
Terry & Susan McCurren
James & Sharon Merciel
Stephen & Theresa Meystrik
Larry & Therese Miller
Margaret Miller
Marty & Toni Miller
Catherine Moreland
Lawrence Morrisey
Gracia Nabhane
Stan & Marybeth Ochsner
Mark Ordway
Larry & Kathy Pabst
Victoria Phillips
Jeff & Jone Piontek
Phil & Lindsey Pitts
Ed & Joy Powers
John & Cecilia Prenger
Michael & Jan Prenger
Ray & Donna Purvis
Nicholas Rehagen
Jerome Reinsch
Travis & Sheila Reinsch
Curt & Sarah Renkemeyer
John & Mary Beth Rephlo
Bob Jr. & Beth Robison
Melissa & Steve Rockers
Michael Roling
St. Martin Knights of Columbus
Paul & Carmen Samson
Mark & Carolyn Saucier
Robert Schellman
Mary Ann Schenewerk
Beverly Schepers
James & Noeme Schlueter
Larry & Doris Schmidt
Schrimpf Landscaping
Roger & Donna Schrimpf
Eric & Nicole Schulte
John Schwartze
John & Carol Schwartze
Bob & Mary Beth Scruggs
Mary Jane & James Sidoni
Elizabeth Sissom
Stephen Slaughter
Terry & Joann Stock
Ed & Valda Stroesser
Dorothy Strope
Ken & Susie Theroff
Jim & Cheryl Thruston
Michelle Truesdale
Mark & Mary Beth Vanderfeltz
Donald & Debbie Vanloo
Justin & Nicole Vossen
Tom & Donna Vossen
Steve & Lesley Weaver
John & Connie Wegman
Nicholas Wegman
Mike & Mary Wehrle
David & Sharon Welch
Daniel & Juliana Wieberg
Patricia Wilson
Ed & Anna Marie Winkelman
David & Leslie Wisch
Don & Cathy Wolters
Tricia Workman
Chris & Janie Wyrick
William & Ann Yarnell